Triumph Repair: 76 TR6 coughs, TR6, timing

My 76 TR running standard carbs, coughs as Im driving. Usually at lower rpm like when Im driving up a long slight incline I can minimize the problem by pulling out the choke slightly ( car even seems to have more power with the choke pulled slight). I have replaced the diaphrams and needles, still have the problem. What test can I do to try to narrow this down.


If the car responds better with the choke pulled... it's running too lean.

It can be either a float level (or both) set too low (one carb not getting enough gas), the carbs not sync'd properly, insufficient oil in the dashpot(s), or even a bit of a timing issue.

If you can, find a nice straight road that's lightly traveled.  Make a run along at a constant speed, then shut the ignition off and pull to the side of the road.  Pull #1 and #6 spark plugs and look to see if they're similar in condition, and overall if the insulators are white (too lean) or black (too rich or oil fouling).

Depending upon what you find will direct the next move.

If you don't have a good manual for the car, it's a starting point.  Personally I prefer the Robert Bentley manuals, but they're not the only ones out there.

