Triumph Repair: heat insulation, heat insulation, trans tunnel


To continue our conversation about installing heat insulation.  A few web sites talk about installing heat deflectors under the carpet by the foot wells and over the transmission tunnel.  Does this sounds like it might work?  It seems to me that it would just keep heat in the metal of the body tub and not let it dissapate.

What do you think about this method?



Let's back up a step or two.  Have you made sure that the trans tunnel is sealed completely?  You'll get most of the heat actually leaking past the tunnel as it's a bolt in piece of cardboard (literally).

Once that's been done and it's still not enough, I'd go with the insulation UNDER THE CARPET.  If you try to put it in the engine bay side you'll wind up with either:

a piece of foil backed oil soaked insulation
a piece of foil backing flapping in the breeze as you drive
a piece of the foil backing flying up and shorting the electrics.

It also helps to make sure all the spots in the firewall where wires/cables/hoses pass through are sealed.  

Another thought...are you certain the heater valve is shutting completely?  That'll dump in a lot of heat also.



---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks.  I'm not sure about the trans tunnel.  When I lift the bonnet and look at the transmission, I don't see anything but the bell housing.  Is there anything else to look for?

I plan to pull up the carpet, apply heat blanket with the reflective side down to the transmission housing and floor boards.  How does that sound.  Is there something I should do around the transmission under the bonnet?



When you say "transmission housing" I'm guessing you're referring to the transmission cover?    

That's what I was referring to as the "transmission tunnel".

As a side thought, the exhaust pipe runs right under the floor pan just about centered under the passenger compartment.  Pulling the seats and putting insulation under the main passenger area carpet would probably help a bit.

