Triumph Repair: Removing Door Glass, spitfire 1500, robert bentley

I am attempting a full restoration of a 1974 Spitfire 1500.  I have stripped the car of everything except I can't seem to figure out how to get the door glass out so it is not damaged when the car is soda-blasted.  I have the Hayes manual but can't locate anything on removing door glass.  Do you have to take out the whole regulator or can just the glass be removed?


On the Spitfire you do not need to remove the regulator in order to remove the glass.

According to the instructions in the Robert Bentley manual for the Spitfire (based on the factory instructions in general, with some additions.. well worth the $$$ for the book!)

1  remove the trim pad
2  remove the spring
3  remove the guide packing pieces- two bolts and spring washers
4  prise off the two stud retainers and washers securing the regulator arms to the glass frame
5  Support the glass and detatch the regulator arms from the frame
6  lower the glass
7  detach the inner and outer door waist seals from the clips
8  lift out the glass, taking care to avoid scratching it on the seal clips.

I hope that helps!

