UK Car Repair: PUNTO, vacuum line, proper diagnosis

Hi I have a fiat punto 2001 16v 1.2 sporting that keeps stalling Ive change that mapsensor as someone suggested that this might be the problem but it as been resolved could you help?thanx

Is the air intake standard, if not that can cause stalling.
Also the air intake, airbox, ducts and inlet manifold should be checked for leaks, make sure everything is sealed tight, take it apart and put it together to be sure, an inlet leak will cause stalling, and maybe flat spots when accelerating...

With the airbox known to be set up properly, and no leaks at the manifold -->

Check the Vacuum line from inlet manifold, I suspect it is leaking . not farmiliar with the car but thats the first thing I would check.

If not that refer the car to a mechanic/parts shop, get the ECU scanned (diagostic scan), (phone around and get the cheapest price you can, no doubt somewhere in england it can be done for a fiver by now, it takes about a minute) that will give you an error code, or a few codes, with that you can determine which part is broken/what pipe is leaking.

If you can, relay the codes to me for proper diagnosis... this one time a fuel flow code popped up... and to cut a long story short $1500 later (fuel pump, injectors...) I got asked what the fuel flow error meant - "clogged fuel line", would have cost $40...

So - Without it, and without proper diagnosis you will change more and more parts blindly...

Also, consider selling the MAF sensor on ebay to recover some costs.