UK Car Repair: flooded carburator, vauxhall astra, astra club

QUESTION: hiya,,think i have a prob with carb, strong smell of fuel and the car doesnt seem to be firing properly but not stalling at junctions yet. recently had EGR VALVE replaced,,many thx

ANSWER: Hiya David, what car are we talking about here (year, make, model) it seems straight forward enough. You have a misfire, but to help you I need the information - Paul

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QUESTION: hi paul ,many thx  its a vauxhall astra club 1599cc,

are you sure it has a carb? what year is it? if it is a carb then it is more than likely a stuck float valve causing the flooding, but with an EGR it is highly unlikely to have a carb and more likely to be a single point injection which does not have a float valve. I would look over the ignition system (change pugs and leads, coil/distributor) the smell of fuel would be explained by unburnt fuel going through the engine (mis-firing) check it out and get back to me