UK Car Repair: Vauxhall Corsa Car Seat Catch - How to repair, vauxhall corsa, seat base

QUESTION: The catch on my car is stuck.  I am unable to move the front seat forward to allow access to the back seat.  Any ideas on how to relase the catch?
Thank You
ANSWER: The cable is most likely broken.  You will have to remove the seat back panel to access the cable which you can then operate by hand

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QUESTION: Thank you very much.  Any advice on how to move the back panel?  sorry to be so lame but I am not the best DIY fixer in the world and there is no information in the manual on this at all.
kind regards  

I don't have access to this info but there are only so many options.  First look for anything that is screwed on and remove it. Next I would look under the seat base for any screws or attachments.  If nothing is found you may have to carefully prise the cover off with a thin flat tool.