Volkswagen Repair: Changing right engine mount in 93 cabriolet, vw cabriolet, frame rail

I have a 93 VW Cabriolet with automatic transmission, what would be the best way to go about changing right engine mount, the tools required and the time it would take?

HI Volkan;
Is this the unit on the frame rail, or the transmission.  If it's the frame rail, a block of wood to hold the engine, an 18mm socket, and a 16mm socket.  If it's the Trans. mount, it's a little more involved.  Removal of the battery, and the battery tray are first, then you can get to bolt heads.  But there are other bolts that come through the frame rail on the drivers side.  However, a block of wood to hold the transmission in place should suffice.  Just be very careful..   If you have access to an engine holder, or hanger, use that instead...either way.