Volkswagen Repair: vintage vw question, combustion chambers, feeler gauge

We have a 1962 Volkswagen.  It has good points and is getting juice into, but not out of, the coil.  We're thinking it's a bad coil but are wondering if there's something we might have overlooked.  Just in case, though, we're looking for another coil.

Hopefully you'll be able to help!  Thanks!

Try turning the engine over at night.  When it's dark outside the "carbon tracking" down the outside of the central coil tower should be visible.  If necessary use an inspection mirror to look at the back side of the coil, but just make sure it's good and dark out.  The "secondary" energy coming out of the coil is great enough to ionize the air, and will follow a crack, or a deposit right down the side of the coil, and NOT get to the combustion chambers, where the spark plugs are.  It's kind of cool to see.  Hope this is it.  Make sure you set the gap on the points too.  If no feeler gauge is handy, the folding portion of a book of matches is close enough to get you running.