Volkswagen Repair: Break wear light, digital volt meter, jumper wire

I have a 2001 vw euro van, and the break warning light was on, so I put on new brake pads, front and rear,but the light is still on. I rechecked the connections, but the light is still on. Is thier other things that are causing the light to stay on.

The warning light on all vws for the yellowish orange sun shaped similarity light on the dash is for the pad indicaters. If there is a ABS or a red brake light on then the fault is different. All this light monitors is if the wireing to the pad is connected and not a open circuit. So you have two wires to each brake pad. A digital volt meter is needed. Check resistance of the break pad sensor while unpluged. If both front and rear all four sensors test good then there is a problem withe the wiring after the pad wiring. Check wires after the pads for proper operation. There may be an open circuit. If not Then the cluster may be bad but I have never seen this. A easier way if a volt meter is not present is to take some bobby pins and back probe the connecters at the car side of the wear indicators. Push the pin thought the connection until there is metal contact on the two wire. There has to be contact. Take a jumper wire with clamps and connect the bobby pins. Do all four all at once there may be more than one pad thats bad. After all sensors have been jumped then cycle the key and see if the light is still on if it is then the problem is not with the pads. If its off then unclip the pad sensor one by one and see which one turns on the light. Good luck.