Volvo Repair: 1990 240DL stalling Intermittantly, race car builder, air intake hose

QUESTION: Vehicle has 214235 miles on it.  Engine was making "dieseling" noise.  That improved with 93 octane gas, but didn't go away.  Car stalled a few times.  Diagnosed (by lack of sound from fuel pumps) to pump relay.  Replaced and majority of knocking went away.  

However, it stalled twice today.  Engine turned over a few times.  Waited a bit, and then started up again.

Reading various posts, I see that there is a focus on cleaning the throttle body and checking the AMM.  I'm waiting on a Bentley manual, but would like to know where the TB is, the best way to clean it, if it needs to come off or can I leave it on to clean.  

Also, if you have any other ideas as to what to look at.

Thank you.

ANSWER: Barnett, its located at the intake manifold where the air intake hose attaches.  Its best to remove and clean it with carb clean.  Sounds to me that it may be a possible speed sensor or perhaps the igntion power stage module.  Very hard to diagnose this without check the car out.   Roger

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Roger, first I'd like to thank you for your prompt response.  My neighbors son is a mechanic (and former race car builder/driver; the kid lives for cars).  He's going to take care of cleaning the throttle body and the AMM, as well as checking the gap on the valves.  I will talk to him about the speed sensor and the ignition power stage module.

Second, the bulb failure light started coming on after changing the pump relay module.  It is also an intermittent thing, and it only comes on when the brake pedal is depressed.  I've check all the lights and they are all working correctly.  I even pulled off to the side when the failure light came on and had my son check the back lights and their where no observable problems.  Is it possible that one issue might have something to do with the other?  I hate to think of the cost of rewiring this car as I don't know if it would be worth it.  It is, after all, an eighteen year old car (as my wife keeps reminding me...).

Barnett, no problem. As far as the lights, its common 240 issue to have that be a headache.  Most likely its the bulb failure unit itself.  If all lights are working and the sockets are contacting  the board properly then I would go there.  Keep the 240.  Its a far better car than any of these new garbage Volvos.  Roger