Volvo Repair: 2001 S60 2.4T, pot holes, nuts bolts

Hi Roger,

My car vibrates in the front end when it bottoms out in dips in the road (not pot holes).   As well, if I load the car (3 to 4 people will to it) it will vibrate/shake quite noticeably in the front. When I'm on the highway and go uphill, there it is again vibrating. This vibration in every situation mentioned above occurs when slightly applying gas.  The more load in the car the more it vibrates and less throttle is required to make it vibrate.  Volvo dealer replaced motor mount; no effect.  Says all other mounts are ok.  Specialty Volvo shop says motor mounts are ok, replaced struts, mounts, bushings, tie rods, springs and problem went away. 5 months later it is back but after they looked at everything they worked on they say all was ok.  They refuse to take apart the original repair to see if something has returned.  They say all the nuts/bolts are tight and everything looks good so there is no reason to take things apart.  Seems odd to me since I agreed to pay to tear it down.  

Anyway, thought I'd write to see if you've ever heard of this or have any ideas for me.  By the way, accelerating  through the gears there is no vibration.

Jim, sounds like something fishy to me.  The thing that sounds like the problem is the upper strut cushions or the contol arm bushings.  If they used subpar parts, then I can see how in 5 months they would be bad again.  We offer a 12/month no milage warranty so its possible that they just dont want to deal with it.  Dumb business move in my opinion but I can only answer for myself.  Talk to the owner of the shop again,  Roger