Volvo Repair: 1996 960 camshaft r/r, interference engine, piston valve

I have read so much on the need or not need of tools 5454, 5452, and 5453 in removing the camshafts.  I have not pulled them out yet but feel that when the timing belt idler pulley came apart and the belt jumped time,  I have had some piston / valve contact.   If I remove the head to check the valves,  do I need the tools to get the cams back into place or can it be done without.   They are more expensive than the parts ... especially for a one time thing.  If not,  what should I watch for in aligning the camshaft upon replacement.

Pat, on the 960, you can get away with no tools.  Just make sure you mark the cams Exhaust and intake so they dont get mixed up.  The tool that I would buy is the Valve cover depress tool.  Makes it a lot easier when you ar putting everything back together.  If the belt broke or jumped like you are saying, Im sure valve damage has occured.  It is an interference engine so if you are going to go through all this work, you need to remove the head and have it repaired.  Roger