Volvo Repair: 1990 alarm problem, stock alarms, override switch

i just bought a 1990 240 sedan less than 2 weeks ago. today my dad unhooked thew battery to have it tested and when we put it back in the card the parking lights started flashing and the car will not start. our neighbor told us it was an alarm and it looks to be stock but we do not know how to re-set it so the car will start. do you know where there might be a switch or button or even how to unhook it so it will never happen again?

Bridget, 240's didnt have stock alarms, its either a kit from Volvo or aftermarket.  Usually they are disarmed with a remote.  I would look around under the dash for a override switch.  There are so many different alarm installers out there, who knows where they put it.  You can always disable the darn thing.  Roger