Volvo Repair: Electrical dash problems on 2001 S60, volvo s60, 2001 volvo s60

I have a 2001 Volvo S60 with an annoying electrical problem. The car will loose all digital displays,turn signals and electric drivers window will stop. I also get a message that the SRS- Air Bag Problem. The dealer in Pa replaced the center console relay. The same problem occured days later. The mechanic then drove my car for a week and it would not repeat the problem. After a month of no problems it happened again last night. When you shut the car off the digital display returns but the air bag message remains.  

Thanks for your help,
John Buckley

I suspect it is a loose connector on one of the modules like the radio or cluster.  When it comes loose the network of the car is interupted and the airbag code will set and all modules behind that one in the chain of the network will act really weird.  They will return when reconnected but the SRS code will not go away until you clear the code.  I could be wrong because there are too many possibilities for weird electrical problems but thats what sounds like is happening.