Volvo Repair: volvo 1999 S80 2.9 turn signal failure, headlamp bulbs, lamp bulbs

The turn signals have failed.  Neither left nor right works, no clicking of relay nor dash light.  However the 4 way emergency blinkers work perfectly and with dash lights too.  

If you think it is the turn signal relay could you tell me where on the car it is located exactly?

Thanks much.

Hello Cactus,Well your S-80 is a 'new breed' of car .There very little you  can do outside of changing lamp bulbs and even that is daunting with headlamp bulbs.It may only be the relay.There is a relay panel in the engine comp. and in the trunk,drivers sd. behind that panel with the pull handle.However,the turn signal stalk is just one of eighteen 'mini' computer modules that do many things each.You will notice that many of the relays in those panels are the same,without a guide...and all that info is computerized.The 'books' are going away.Your local dealer is you resource.Thank you and good hunting!  PKD