Volvo Repair: electrical problems w s60, cars network, failure message

I have a 2002 S60.  6 weeks ago, the window switch began cycling on/off when I would start the vehicle for 1-2 minutes.  The frequency of occurance and the duration of the problem slowly started increasing (even continuing to cycle when I turned the power off)  The battery died and after a jump, the "battery voltage low" message came on.  I took the vehicle to the dealer and they replaced the window switch and told me the climate control module was bad and no fan, heat, or A/C worked-- all problem I did not have when I dropped the car off.  Two hours of driving and the same "voltage" message came on.  5 minutes later, the climate system went out.  2 more minutes and the "brake failure "message comes on and the right blinker comes on by itself and will not turn off.    I noticed that there was no mention of any comprehensive diagnostic on my bill-- any clues on potential problems or advice on how to handle this would be greatly appreciated.

Although they seem reandom they are most likely connected.  Whenever a module fails it can sometimes cause interference on the cars network which will cause all sorts of random symptoms.  If your climate control has failed I would start with that.  After that it would be hard to offer any other kind of advice on this kind of problem without looking at the vehicle.
