Volvo Repair: reverse?, volvo dealer, transmission shops

i got a 1996 volvo....the problem im having is that the car wont go on reverse when u put in on reverse....even if you press the the gas pedal it doesnt go....and actually now when you put it on reverse it goes forward so i dont know what to do...please give me a only 18 and know nothing about cars! THANK YOU!

if it goes forward when you put in reverse and is not going in reverse when you put you have  trasmssion problem  dont worry it can be fixed it's little expensive but you can rebuild the trans for around $1500 parts and labor only at transmission shops  and at volvo dealer new trans is will around parts and labor $3500   or used trans maybe parts and labor $2500 if you around chicago  i can help you  but again take it to volvo dealer it is posible  you need maybe something else cheaper .