Volvo Repair: problem on the Integrated GSM, volvo dealers, gsm phone

Hi James,
I'm having a problem with the integrated GSM phone on my V70 D5 my 2002 (one of the first v70 d5 ever distributed in Italy).

When I turn on the car the phone works well. However, usually after about 1 hour, the line suddently drops, the phone doesn't work anymore and there's nothing that I can do to restart it. If I turn off the phone I get no result (I get a message "Please wait").

All what I can do is to turn off the car for a long time (days) and the next time, when I turn on the phone, it works again (for another hour).

Do you have any idea of what the problem could be?
Do you know if I can force a reset of the phone without waiting for a day or so before I can use again the phone?

Thanks in advance for any information that you could give me


There may be a software update for your phone module.  If there isn't a software reload should fix the problem.  If the phone module won't accept the reload then it would have to be replaced.  Software is only available through volvo dealers though.  There are no diesels here in the US so I am unfamiliar with some of the particulars of your vehicle.  If it is only a 2002 though it is most likely still under warranty and it can be fixed for free at you local dealer.  Hope that helps.
