Volvo Repair: front end repair, wheel alignment, cream puff

My kid slid into a curb in a Volvo 1988 240 GL sedan.  Car is a cream puff and well kept (60,000 miles).  Garage wants to replace front left strut, ball joint and control arm for 2k.  I thought it was high and when I priced the parts and compared to their estimate I was appalled.  Parts are everywhere.  They said parts were not available except from dealer, etc.  Is it something that can be done by a pretty good guy like me?  What would I do if there was some frame damage, put it on a frame machine before or after replacing the parts?  Or leave this one to the big boys.  The left wheel is only slightly bent back towards firewall and can't turn left much.  Other than that the car is driveable. I could go either way but the car isn't worth on a trade as much as they wanted to fix it so I'm trying to keep it and not give it away due to this repair.

Be as honest as you can.  Thanks in advance.

Those parts are available from dealers and specialty aftermarket only, and most repairshops won't order their parts off the internet, they are usually forced to buy from their suppliers or vehicle manufacturers.  They may however be able to do the repair with parts you supply but give you no warranty on the repair.  To do this your self would require some specialty tools.  You'll need a sping compressor to replace the strut primarily.  Its dangerous work if you don't know how to use it either.  Compressing a spring with that mutch force should not be taken lightly.  They can come off with enough force to KILL you.  You'll also have to buy new bushings for the control arm, new upper strut mount, and those may need a press to be fit into the new control arm.  If it has frame damage correct that before the parts are replaced.  And then after all of that is done it will need a 4 wheel alignment.  I know that 2K sounds like alot but i did the same thing to my car last year and the insurance picked up the bill of $2,600.  If there is no body/frame damage and you are up to the challenge you can do it yourself but I would still reccommend letting the big boys handling it.  Hope that helps.
