Volvo Repair: 1995 Volvo 960 sedan ( Engine B6304FS2 ), engine leaks, 1995 volvo 960

Hello, (Vin# YV1KS9618S1049381) (Engine# B6304FS2)
I have the 95 Volvo 960 and it runs quite good....
The problem I am having is:
There seems to be a strong fuel smell from interior vents and also from the engine compartment when the car is started cold and when it is colder temperatures outside ie fall/winter time.....
I cannot see or find any leaks from the engine fuel system except at the return line from the fuel rail a small residual of fuel on my finger when i wiped arount that return line on the rail So, I replaced the O rings for the send and return at the fuel rail. It helped and then it started again a slight finger wipe of fuel....

The TP is new...
The Injectors are all new...
The Temp. Sw in back of head is new...
The Idle Valve is new...
The Cam sensor has been checked and adj. at dealer.... BUT THEY CANNOT FIND ANY LEAK OR SMELL.
Regis the auto smell to high heaven.....
The fuel regulator I swaped out from my wifes 97  S90 it still does the same thing...smells of raw fuel..........................
What COULD cause TOO MUCH PRESSURE in/on fuel rail
Please NOTE that Auto runs just fine...its just the fuel smell and slight dampness at the return line on the rail
When I took the intake bellows off the sump had raw fuel in bottom just collecting....
Whats going on?
Would you/Could you Please help.....
Thank You in advance..

raw fuel in the intake would probably be an injector that is leaking,but you say they are all new.this could be checked with a fuel pressure guage to see if the pressure is laking down.the only other thing I have seen is the fuel rail at theend closest to the front of the engine leaks where the round end cap is.this will require a new fuel rail.