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Volvo: Volvo Problem, mass air flow sensor, mass air flow

I have 1990 B230 Volvo car, my car has eratic acceleration problem on start off, slowing down or slugish to move fast and when you step on the accelerator hard it gives a gun like sound and after a while to would start to move fine. what is responsible for this.

Read any stroed codes and see if they leed anywhere. Go over the bascis, like cap, rotor, wires, timing belt on correctly. Check the fuel pressure when this happens. Is the fuel filter blocked? Make sure that if your car has a pre pump that it is working. Check for vacuum leaks, broken intake hoses. Make sure the exhaust is not blocked. Get a Volvo scan tool the VST and use the piggy back adaptor on the control unit in the fault tracing mode a fault may show sure as a Mass air flow sensor, lean fuel mixture, no fuel enrichment on acceleration.