Driving & Driving Test Tips: Driver cut me off but is disputing fault., ford mustang gt, ford mustang

I was driving northbound on a four lane high way with two lanes of traffic going north and two going south. I was in the left, fast lane trying to find a turnaround so I could head south to my destination. So behind me pulls up a 2012 Ford Mustang GT, behind its wheel is an angry driver who is high beaming and tail gating me. On the lane to the right, there is a bus who he cannot pass. I speed up and as soon as he gets space he quickly darts into the right lane and quickly passes me up and darts back into my lane. After this time, I see his brake lights light up in front of my vehicle. My only reaction was either rear end his vehicle or swerve to the right hand lane. I quickly swerved into the right lane which caused my vehicle to fishtail. From my perspective the other vehicle at this point slammed into my driver side door with his front right fender and sent me into a 360 spin, kind of like a pit manuaever. I end up on the side of the freeway facing traffic.

The driver claims he is not at fault and that I "ran him off the road". The police report says I am at fault because I violated the law when I quickly changed lanes. They are claiming that I overcorrected when changing lanes which caused me to spin out. I doubt overcorrecting would cause such an intense accident. Who is at fault in this situation? Was I supposed to rearend his vehicle? Thanks for any reply.

The cause of the collision is unclear because if you moved to the right and fishtailed how did you end up in front of his vehicle?  This question can not be answered in this forum.  You need to find a reconstructionist who can sit down and analyze all of the facts and the physical evidence from the scene (skid marks - damage between the vehicles - etc) to be able to come to a conclusion.