Driving & Driving Test Tips: Middle car in four car pile up, how am I at fault?, freeway west, middle car

I was recently in a four car pile up where I was the third car from the back. While driving the 91 freeway West bound from Corona, CA unknown to me the front most car in my lane comes to a complete stop on the freeway (no idea why) while traffic is doing about 50mpg. The small truck in front of me slams on the breaks, and I slam on my breaks, then as we are skidding I get hit from behind sending my SUV forward causing me to hit the truck in front which then contacts the SUV that stopped in middle of the freeway. The physical evidence shows that my front bumper hit the front vehicle's bumper but the rear vehicle folder my bumper under the back. The rear car had it's hood peeled off and no damage to her front bumper at all. To me this proves that we were still skidding when I was contacted from behind and forced forward into the small truck. My insurance company just told me that I was at least 51% at fault. If I am a middle car in a pile up and nobody was speeding then how can I be any % at fault? What should I do to fight this?

This is way too complex to answer in this forum.  You need a traffic collision reconstructionist to analyze the circumstances.  If he can objectively show you were not at fault take this back to your company and show them the results.  If it is going to cost you monies because of the company's stance then you would need an attorney to sue for your cause.