Driving & Driving Test Tips: Am I at fault in your opinion, strain type, mr bell

I went through a light that had just turned red in Ca. The car in opposing traffic was waiting to turn left in turn lane and he turned in front of me, I crashed into him. Am I totally at fault?  Is he allowed to turn in front of a car that was a little late going through.  He says the light was red, doesn't he have to wait for me to clear or can he just pull right in-front of me?  He claimed no injury and declined medical assistance from police and paramedics at the time.  The next day he hired a lawyer.  Does he have a legal standing on the injury claim?  We are both insured and this is my first collision in 29 years of driving and I'm worried. Thanks for your help.

Mr. Bell,

Any time you run a red light, in CA or any other state, you are at fault.

In CA, a vehicle stopped in the intersection to make its left turn has the right of way when the light turns red and all traffic, including any cross traffic, must yield to that vehicle to complete its turning movement.

At the time of the collision there may have not been an injury claimed, but physicians that I have consulted with state that it could be up to 48 hours after an incident before pain from an "injury", may manifest itself.  By "injury", I mean a soft tissue sprain strain type of "injury.

Yes the other driver does have a claim for an injury collision.

The main issue will be whether you entered the intersection when the light was red, or whether it was yellow when you entered the intersection.  As long as you were in the intersection before the light turned red you would have had the right of way.  Then the turning vehicle would have to yield until you cleared before he made his turning movement.