Driving & Driving Test Tips: lgv test, relaxation techniques, tranquilisers

Hello, I have now failed my LGV (class C) test twice due to nerves, on the second occasion I couldnt have driven worse if i'd tried, should i consider a course of tranquilisers before my next attempt?, or are there any tried and tested relaxation techniques?

You have my sympathy!
I have also suffered fron excess nervousness prior to, and during tests, but I made it through to Examiner!

Tranquilisers are definately not recommended! The effect of those will make your reactions slow and make the situation worse.

The only cure I found that works, is saturation driving prior to the test. basically, drive until you drop, if you possibly can.

If you can't get to drive the LGV, then drive your car. but drive as much as possible, and of course drive your car as though it was an LGV.

If it makes you feel any better, I failed my first two tests because of nerves! But I went on to pass the other eight without any problems.

And remember, your Examiner will expect you to be nervous!
and to a point, make allowances for it - They are human too and know what you are going through - but of course they can't show it!

Good luck.

Best wishes,
