4 Wheel Drive/SUVs: 98 Blazer 4x4 issue, vacuum line, auto parts stores

I just changed my transfer case motor for my 4x4 and
everything seemed to be working fine.  It would shift 2hi to
4hi and back.  Only problem is now is that my front drive
shaft is not disengaging from 4hi even though my button says
2hi.  I have no idea what to even do about this, not sure
how to search the problem online.  All I know is that my
motor was bad, I put a used one in and works, just something
isn't working right.  Any ideas are welcome to give me a
clue to check.  Thank You.

If I'm not mistaken, you have a vacuum actuator on your front differential.  You may have a bad vacuum line or actuator that's not letting the front end disengage.

You can purchase a repair manual from most auto parts stores for, around $20 or so.  These are great for repair or trouble shooting, as they have diagrams and step by step instructions for replacement or repair.  Pick up one of these, and it may be well worth it.

I'm assuming that you replaced the transfer case motor/encoder.  You may need to check out the wiring harness and make sure that all the connections are good, and that you don't have a bad ground.
