4 Wheel Drive/SUVs: Hood Vent Leak, bicycle inner tube, hood vent

I have a 2006 Wrangler, parked outside under the hot Miami sun daily for 5 months.  Now that it has started raining, I find water on the driver side floormat.  As the water appears to be in the middle of the mat, my guess is that it is coming throught the vent.  

Could you please tell me how to get access to the vent drain for a visual check?



This seems to be a common problem with the Wranglers.  The vent drain on most of these is a rubber tube that looks similar to a piece of bicycle inner tube.  It can plug up with small leaves and dirt. You should be able to find it next to the fire wall under the hood.  Many times, you can help stop this by making sure that the heater, and vents are turned off, as this should shut the vent door stopping much of this water.

On my Wrangler, it was leaking through the vent, and going into the heater/fan assembly, and filling up the passenger side.
