4 Wheel Drive/SUVs: Off-roading at the beach, friends of sand mountain, high pressure air compressor

Dear Del,

I'm also an allexperts volunteer (TV/Stereo Troubleshooting), so I appreciate your time.

I'm taking my year-old, 2002 Toyota RAV4 down to the Outer Banks of North Carolina in a couple of weeks. I plan to off-road in a "4-wheel drive only accessible" area north of Corolla NC. Sand. Is there anything special is should do to prepare my RAV4 for beach off-roading? Is there anything I should plan to do after getting back (underwashing, etc.)?

Many thanks,


Hi Kevin, well, if you live in NC, you understand salt air and rust.  If you add sea water and sand, you must imagine the compounding effect.  Sand also gets into everything -- everywhere.  It's ugly.

Now, on the other hand, if you're just going to do this once or once a year, there are ways to prepare.  First, for just a once or twice trip, find a high pressure air compressor where you can blow out the engine compartment and passenger area.  Then take it to a good car wash and get the underneath a lot -- everywhere.  Heck, I'd even consider a steam cleaning, but that's not neccesary really.

If you plan to do this more than once or twice, go down and get your vehicle undercarriage COATED -- as much as they possibly can coat.  That black goop (tar looking) like we used to spray under hoods to keep the noise and heat down.  Then still go thru the air blowout and car wash under neath.

There are web sites where you can more sand kinda info:
American Sand Association
New Jersey Beach Buggy Association
Friends of Sand Mountain (www.sandmountain-NV.org)
Just to name a few.
The East Coast Four Wheel Drive Association (www.ec4wda.org) has some beach sand folks too.

Good luck and have fun, Del
ps. more four wheeling stuff on my web site also: