Jeep: Jeep Cherokee stuck in 5th gear, jeep cherokee, throwout bearing

QUESTION: I own a 1998 Cherokee with a 5 speed. I was on a trip and the transmission would not go into reverse.  Then later on while driving home the trans stuck in 5th gear and would not dis-engage.  The cluth slav cylinder is full of fluid.

I recently had a new cluth installed and the slave cylinder was replaced too. The slave cylinder came from AutoZone...a generic replacement, but it worked fine for a couple of weeks.  What would cause the reverse to go out followed by sticking in 5th?  Would a generic slave cylinder cause the problem?  Thanks.


ANSWER: The problem more than likely has nothing to do with your clutch. It sounds like you are having a problem with the trans itself. Unfortunately, I'm not able to answer many trans questions. I know the basics of how they work, but wouldn't know the reason why your would stick in gear, but I about 90% positive it isn't your clutch causing it to stay in gear.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: If the throw bearing were installed backwards wouldn't that cause the problem?  The throw out bearing is designed to work only when the clutch is depressed. If installed bacwards I believe it will spin all the time.  What do you think?  My knowledge isn't much better than yours when it comes to transmission issues.

ANSWER: I'm not certain, but I think the throwout bearing will only work one way. I'm still leaning towards a tranny problem. Try rolling the vehicle a little while getting it out of gear. Try forwards and backwards. Try it with and without the clutch. Normally you shouldn't have to push the clutch in to disengage the trans. The clutch just disengages the trans from the motor to allow for the gear change.

How does it shift when the vehicle isn't running? Try sitting still and putting it in and out of gears.

Are you still missing reverse?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: The transmission will not budge. I cannot shift out of 5th gear running or engine off.  I will try rolling the car Friday afternoon.  I found tech advice on google that suggested the throwout bearing could be the culprit but it didn't say anything suggesting the shifter would be stuck in gear.  The clutch was replaced by the previous owner recently so I'm thinking he did something wrong.  You are right the throwout bearing is made to work one way only, installed backwards causes it to spin all the time.

I'm still thinking it's not related to the clutch. Is the clutch disengaging when you push it in? You'd know because when you start it, it would move even with the clutch pedal pushed.

I still can't figure out what would cause it to lock into fifth other than a problem with the synchros or internally in the trans.