Jeep: jeep rims, mag rims, gran cherokee

I have a 97 Gran Cherokee with the factory mag Rims, The clear coat is starting to pull away from the rims and is starting to look pretty bad, I thought I heard that they can dip the rims to get the coating off and respray them, is that true, I live in Ohio and swore I heard iton the HandyRandy show seen in this area. If ya get a chance let me know what ya think..  Thanks

I had a set of rims doing the same thing once and thought I would take them to a machine shop and have them dipped in the same solution engine are dipped in, take them down to bare metal, spray them with clean epoxy and have new looking rims again.  It does not work that way, Jeep rims are aluminum and the dip would have eaten them up.  I looked everywhere for something that would take the old finish off and not eat the rims with no luck.  If you find something, let me know.