Tips on Buying Cars: Mileage, odometer reading, mileage act

What does exempt miles exaclty mean? Is there a way to get a title saying the miles on the car how they really are? Please explain what exempt mileage means.

when it says mileage exempt it means...Motor vehicle owners are required to enter their vehicle's current odometer reading at the time of sale or ownership transfer on an acceptable secure transfer document, for vehicles requiring an odometer disclosure by the Federal Truth in Mileage Act The seller/transferor should enter the word "exempt" only when the vehicle is exempt from the odometer disclosure requirements....this means the state found an error somewhere...say you just bought a car the odometer says 20K miles so you write on the title 20k miles when it actually had 220k miles the state might have had on record it titled once before with 100K they know something is up...they issue a exempt title..theres no real way to get it off a title...i have a truck that has 268000 miles on it the title is clear and shows 115000 but a carfax report says mileage exempt...?....its all up to the state...