Tips on Buying Cars: Buying 1st car for a teen, cheaper insurance, daughter lives

Hi, Bud.  I am going to be purchasing a car with cash for my 16 yr. old girl.  Can I or should I put it in her name or keep myself as the owner? Will this effect how I can insure the car? What I mean is, my ex-wife can get a cheaper insurance premium if she can put it on her policy? My daughter lives with my ex. In order to put the car under her insurance coverage, does my daughter have to be the owner. As you can tell, I do not have much insurance savvy. Please advise me who to talk to if you don't think you can help.    Thanks!

Hi Paul and thanks for the question.  You can normally add additional vehicles and drivers to existing policies even though it may raise the premium considerably.  In my experience GEICO provides good coverage and rates but I doubt if they will insure a 16 year old.  Find a local agent and ask their advice.  Also check with Progessive, they are good with younger drivers.  Best of luck, Bud