Tips on Buying Cars: Cancellation, physical delivery, cancellation

Hi, signed a contract (but not the buyers agreement in the window of the car) and gave them a check. I called dealership back to tell them that I changed my mind, that I didnt want the car. I have not picked up the car, it wasnt ready when I was at the dealership...can I cancel and also the check cleared before the bank stopped payment, so does the dealership have to refund my money or do I have to still take the car.
Note again, I never took delivery of the car as it wasnt ready yet...used 2006 Nissan


thanks for your question. If you have not taken physical delivery of the vehicle then you are not the legal owner. The agreements that you signed do not take affect until youtake physical delivery. You can call your bank to stop payment without any repricusions from the dealer. They will try to scare you but understandthat they don't have a leg to stand on.

Hope this helps.

Thanks - JB