Tires: goodyear tires, goodyear tires, dick dick

I bought new tires,sorry to say from Wal Mart.   They're
OK except one loses air,  very slowly.  Maybe I have to add
air in about  two weeks.   Wal Mart cannot detect a leak.
      They tried -  probably the leak is too slow to be
detectable.   What do you think I can do?

       Thanks     Dick  


I think you should go back to WalMart and explain that there is a problem and they need to find out what's wrong - because it wasn't there before they mounted the tires.

And their operative word should be "Patience!"

In all likelihood, there is a leak between the tire and the alloy wheels - and they need to apply a sealant to the bead area to get it to seal.

If they blow you off, or fail to find the leak again, ask them how should you take it to to see about this, and how are they going to pay for this service.