Tires: tire availability, commercial chassis, sticker shock

I have a 1963 Cadillac Commercial Chassis ambulance that originally came with a 8 ply white wall 8.90 x 15 ambulance tires.  What would the current recommended size and ratings be today?  I have found the Kelly Navigator Gold 108S 235/75/15 WW tire that has a rating of 2183 pounds at 41 PSI that I was considering.  The vehicle weight is approximately 7200 pounds.  The local tire dealer has told me that this tire is discontinued, and that the Kelly brand is also being phased out.  True or false??  thanks...


Yes the 8.90x15 was dis-continued a long time ago. As for what Kelly is or isn't still building that is hard to say.  I will say though that a lot of 15" tire sizes are being phased out industry wide.

The tire that you mentioned would not be a safe application for your vehicle.  I recommend that you choose a P235/75R15 XL or extra load tire.  I can't say off the top of my head if this size is available in WW.  I would check with a dealer that carries the Cooper brand or has access to it.  Reason for this is that Cooper builds a lot of sizes and styles that others don't.  If you aren't able to find the WW this way you can go to Coker Tires but, be prepared for a sticker shock.
