Tires: Replacement tires for 2001 Toyota Camry LE 4cyl, toyota camry, replacement tires

QUESTION: Want to know what tires I can use on car besides a 205/65R/15/92H.  Do I have to use the same exact tire or can I use any other tires, these tires are hard to find and very expensive.

ANSWER: Cathy,

First, 205/65R15's are incredibly popular - and affordable, too.  Tire Rack lists 69 different tires with costs as low as $58.00.  So if you are having trouble finding them at affordable prices, I think you need to be shopping somewhere else.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Maybe I am confused but does the tire have to be exactly the same or how are they rated for the tire, by performance or type of use or weather conditions.  I am missing something, does it have to be a 92H or can it be a 94H or T or S?  What do those codes mean, type of driving such as touring, high performance, etc?  What determines what tire you can use on the car? I understand that the 205/65R/15 is what I have to use on the car but what is the other code used for?  Is the rating for the expected miles or tread on tire considered?  I know that for the amount of area that the surface of the tire has with the road will provide stability of road conditions but I still want to know if I have to use the tire that is currently on the car or if I can use another tire that will provide good driving based on all weather conditions including snow or winter weather.

Thank you for any clarification on this


Your vehicle came with a particular size - which means both its physical size and its load carrying capacity.  What happens after that - what weather conditions the tire is suitable for, the performance type, etc - is something that you have to determine for yourself based on your needs, and then find a tire that fits that description.  There are going to be things that are incompatible - for example:  Wear and fuel economy - but those kinds of things.

That process is more complex than can be dealt with in this Q&A type format.  I suggest you read up on Tire Rack's web site.  They have done a good job of describing everything you'll need to know.  Start here:

That is their home page.  Put in your vehicle information and at some point it will give you a button for Tire Decision Guide - or something to that effect.  Walk through that and it should help you sort out what you need.