Tires: 99 Durango stock tires wont bead, stock tires, rim widths

My girlfriend has a 99 durango that has 31x10.5x15's on it and
when I went to replace her tires with the stock 235/75/15's
the rims were too wide for the tires to bead.

Dear Robert,
Thank you for using AllExperts.
I'm wondering just how wide those rims are.  Each tire size has a range of 'rim widths' that it may be mounted on.  For example, 31x10.5R15 may be mounted on 7.0" through 9.0" rim width. P235/75R15 may be mounted on 6.0" through 8.0"  This is true regardless of the tire brand.
You can measure the rim width easily with a tape measure...measure on he inside between the rim flanges:
It sounds like your rims might be wider than 8.0"

Let me know if I can be of further assistance.


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