Tires: Rims, Tire, Rim Contour

I have a Toyota Tacoma and on the door the rims size is 16X7JJ. What is the second J for ???


You obvious know that the "16" is the rim diameter, but what you may not know is that it really isn't 16.000 inches.  It's a slightly smaller number - and has some variation depending on the exact type of rim.

And, of course, "7" is the width in inches.  In that case it actually stands for 7.000 inches.

But you've gotten a little confused about the letter(s) afterwards.  Yes, J means a certain style of flange - but JJ is a slight variation of the J type flange.  At the moment, I am having trouble finding the exact differences, but they are minor (in the big scheme of things).

EXCEPT:  This has all been converted into metric units - and there is some rounding off that has taken place - and perhaps that is why I can no longer find out what the differences are between J and a JJ flanges.  They may have been "commonized".