Tires: Michelin Tires & Vibration, michelin tires, target value

I purchased a 2008 Honda Accord New from a local dealer. I had the tires rotated three times from time of purchase.  Twice, after rotation, the steering wheel shook.  Every other time, no vibration.  I reported it to Honda the 1st time & they said the tires were rebalanced & rotated--the vibration went away.  Rotated again at around 10,000 miles--the vibration returned.  I reported it and they said the front was rebalanced.  I drove it on the highway and again, the vibration returned; always starting at 60-65 MPH 60% of the time. I took the auto back and asked if there might be tread separation, etc.  Since this problem surfaced months (I did not drive it at high speeds the first few weeks)after time of purchase I considered it under warranty--but they won't do anything to correct this very troublesome problem.  Further, I'm concerned that a long term out of balance problem unresolved might ultimately cause front end steering instability. The auto now has 28,000 miles. Help!!


What you probably have is irregular wear, which is caused by misalignment and aggravated by insufficient inflation pressure and insufficient rotation practices.

My experience says that the published alignment tolerances are too wide.  Not the target value, but the allowable deviation from that value.  I think it ought to be half of what is published.

Put another way, the alignment should be within the inner half of the spec.

You should be aware that even vehicles that do not have a pull can be out of alignment.  There are settings where one out of spec condition is offset by another out of spec condition – typically camber vs toe.  

So get the alignment checked and adjusted if necessary.