Motorcycle Safety & Driveability: Street Legal Conversion for DRZ 400 E, convert, conversion

Hi Pat,

I'd like to convert my 2001 DRZ 400 E to street legal in Minnesota.  I saw an answer you left last year about converting an XR 650 to street legal.  I'm wondering if it is still relativity simple to do or have there been any changes in MN that make conversions more difficult/not possible?


Hi Chris,

It is no longer so easy. DVS rules changed and now require the manufacturer to "sign off" on the bike as well.

Here is a recent reply to a customer from DVS to a rider hoping to do the same thing:

"Your motorcycle was manufactured for off road use, the only way that a motorcycle manufactured for off road use can be converted to use on the road is if the manufacturer provides the necessary parts for modification and certifies that the motorcycle meets all federal safety and emissions standards.   

All of the following must be submitted prior to issuing plates:
•   Application for title/registration
•   MV Sales tax, title fees and registration tax
•   Proof of ownership
•   Affidavit of Reconstruction
•   Original Receipts
•   Certification from manufacturer stating that the bike has been converted and now conforms with federal safety standards"

So, the bad news is the letter from law enforcement that used to suffice no longer does. Good news is I don't believe the requirement that the manufacturer provides the necc. parts is enforceable. The bad news is I don't see any way on this earth a person could get a manufacturer to provide the required certification.

Really sorry about that. Best of luck.

One last bit of advice: if you found a frame for a street legal DRZ (that's already titled as a street vehicle) you could just swap out all the parts, put on the required equipment, and just transfer the title. My gut tells me it would work, though I've never tried it.
