Motorcycle Safety & Driveability: nitrogen vs. air, kawasaki vulcan, yamaha maxim

I have 02 1500 kawasaki vulcan clasic,a 82yamaha seca 550,and a 84 yamaha maxim x750.    Is it better to use nitrogen in my tires or air.  I have a bet with another rider who says you should not put nitrogen in motocycles.  I heard it helps hold the right tire pressure longer than air and it makes it run cooler. Who is correct?  


Thanks for the question. You are correct- to a point. Nitrogen does absorb heat better and it does not bleed from tires as fast, so you win the bet.

But in reality, the differences are tiny, so much so that you'd need scientific instruments to measure how much more heat the nitro tire absorbs. It isn't much, truth be told. However, those selling nitrogen kits will tell you there is a BIG difference - hoping you'll buy some nitrogen from them.

I can't really think of where nitrogen would be of any real advantage.

As far as leakage goes, a nitrogen-filled tire will lose pressure at a slower rate than an air tire, but not at a hugely lower rate. Besides, NO tire is PERFECTLY sealed- they all leak a little, either through a bead imperfection, a stem leak, or if the wheel rim interior has a small scratch in it. It's just the way it is.

So if you are so busy that you don't have time to air up your tires one a week (or just check them), you need to re-adjust your schedule.

Nice selection of bikes by the way, I always had a soft spot for those old Maxim X machines.

Bill Roberson