Motorcycle Safety & Driveability: A Beginners question?, motorcycle section, sturdy boots

Mr. Roberson,
  I was wondering about a specific type of motorcyle to purchase for beginners, do you have any suggestions? Where can someone learn to actually ride before purchasing a bike? Lastly, where would one look to find a decent used beginner bike instead of these very exspensive newer motorcycles? Any input would be much appreciated. Thank you for your time.

Hi Sara,

Thanks for the questions.

First off, you can learn to ride WITHOUT buying a bike by taking an MSF Beginners course. They will supply the bike (a small Honda, usually). You should bring a sturdy water-resistant jacket (course is held rain or shine), some gloves and sturdy boots (hiking boots are fine). If you don't have a helmet, they usually have those as well, but call ahead to make sure. You can always borrow one. The course is a whole weekend and does cost money, but it is well spent in both regards. you won't come out ready to race, but will will have a good foundation to start riding safely. More info at:

If you are looking for a bike, first you need to know what you need/want to get, and then you should check online to see what's around. The best three sites I know of are eBay (organize by your zip code),, and if you have it in your city,, which has a dedicated motorcycle section.

As to what to get? Well, I will assume from your name that you are female. Other than that, I can make no assumptions. How tall are you? How old are you? How much do you weigh (approx)? Ever ridden before? What kind of riding do you want to do? Commute? Tour? Sport? Cruise? Some or all? I would need to know those things to get a better idea of what bike would work best for you.

Generally, for beginners I recommend medium-sized bikes (400-600cc) depending on the above factors. Cruisers make good beginner bikes because they are easy to ride. Sportbikes are usually a poor choice for a first bike.

So there are some guideline.

Hope that helps!
