Motorcycle Safety & Driveability: Safety Accesories, currency exchange rates, vento motorcycle

I live in Cancun Mexico and recently openned a Vento Motorcycle store. This are motorcycles that go from 50cc Scooters to 250cc chopper like bikes. They are made from Korean Parts and assembled in Laredo TX. Have you heard from them?
I am also looking for safety apparel for my costumers can you point me in the right direction?
I would also like to start a Safe Motorcycle Riding Instructional Course, do you know of any instructional material that I could use in a classroom or on a practice lot?
Any help will be appreciated!
Best regards,

Hi Pat

Good luck with your venture!

I do not know Vento but living in South Africa means that we do not get all the brands that are available.

Safety apparel. I get business offers by email for safety apparel almost every week from companies in India and Pakistan (which I just delete). They all want to sell me leather biking accessories. I am sure that if you looked on the Internet for their webpages you will find a lot of them willing to do business with you.

If you check out my biking website
you will find hundreds of pages of information about riding in traffic, riding off road, progressive skills lists, braking, cornoring etc etc.Also photos and diagrams. All of this information you are welcome to use. If you do want to spend some money you can buy the two David Hough books called Proficient Motorcyling from White Horse (see links page on my website). You can of course take a trip to the States and do the official motorcycling instructors course with exams. For me this is not an option as it is too expensive with the currency exchange rates.

Good luck


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