Used Cars: Motorcycle Registration, california dmv, motorcycle registration

This is a tricky one. I'm asking this question for my brother: About a year ago he impulsively bought a dirt
bike down in southern California after a night of debauchery. Admittedly he was not in the right frame of
mind to be making sound decisions the morning after, so he didn't really make sure that everything was in
order before heading back home to northern California. After letting his now ex-girlfriend use it for a year,
he took it back and wants to sell it. Problem: he got the pink slip from the guy but no bill of sale and he
never did get around to registering it the whole year he's had it. He has no idea how to contact the guy who
sold it to him anymore and has no info at all beside the pink slip. The DMV said no way they could register it
and they wouldn't give him any info about the bike based on the VIN. The only thing he was able to figure
out was that the last owner was actually an insurance company and they released it to a repair shop. He
called the repair shop and they have no record of it, of course. So now he is stuck with a dirt bike that he
can't prove he bought, no name to use on a bill of sale, no one to contact and the DMV refuses to give any
alternatives or options. Isn't there anything he can do? Does the bike just cease to exist as far as California
DMV is concerned? There has to be away around this issue, some form he can submit? What if he just lost
the bill of sale, that must happen all the time, what do people do in that case??

Hey Gabrial

My expertise is not dirt bikes or how the registration might work, but if registration works in the manner like vehicle's then if you contact a bike shop they should be able to run a history lien check with the vin number and provide some details.

That I know sounds easier said than done, it comes down to how good a salesman you are to make them do you a favor.or for a small fee
