Used Cars: Using seized vehicle auctions, irs auctions, vehicle auctions

I saw on the internet info about possibilty to buy a car up to 90% cheaper than usually.These are seized cars in auctions like so I decide to reigister in but after that I realize, that it is not so easy to fin the list of all cars.And my question to you like an expert is:"Does somewhere actually exist real possibility to buy car in auction like seized vehicle auctions or IRS auctions?"And if it is so, please suggest best places on your experience.If you know better variants where to buy cheap up to 5 years old car, tell me.

Kind regards,


Hi Ernests

You been had, it's a scam, you paid and all you got is a list of some locations, give your head a shake, the statement alone up to 90% cheaper should have registered " red flags "

Public Auctions exists, but before you persue wasting more money, read this link on my website  

PS... Study the site, and you will find answers, not how to buy cheap, but buy value for your money...
