Truck Repair: 2003 chevrolet silverado, chevrolet silverado, fuel pump

my trucks check engine light came on then it started blinking on and off, it stalled out going up hills and just kept getting worse and making noise until it got so bad it just shut off,it starts fine but sounds like its about to die when i give it gas,  i think it may be my fuel pump or fuel filter but not real sure, what do you thiunk it is

Hello Andy,\
When the light comes on, it means something may be wrong that will affect operation, and should be checked out.

When the light starts blinking, it means something that could quickly cause serious damage to the engine, or is a safety hazzard, and should be shut off immediately, and the problem corrected.

I sincerely doubt it is the fuel pump. I don't know of any problem associated with the fuel pump that would cause a blinking check engine light.

More likely something like extreme overheating, or no oil pressure.
I would first get the codes pulled, and see where they lead.
