Truck Repair: 1995 Nissan PU odometer/speedometer, vehicle speed sensor, tail shaft

Hi Van, hope you can help.  I have a 95 Nissan pickup 4 cyl 5spd that is a little rough around the edges and don't want to sink much money into it.  My odometer has been working on and off for about a month, more off than on.  That didn't bother me much, but in the last week my speedometer has had moments of not working at all, then working fine again.  One of these times the check engine light was on the same time the speedometer wasn't and when the speedometer started working the light went out.  Could the two problems be related and what do you think is wrong?  Thanks for the help!

Hello Eddie,
I'd say the two problems are due to the same thing. Lack of VSS, which is vehicle speed sensor.I don't know much about Nissans, but I would check the connection first, and then possibly change the sensor. it should be in the transmission tail shaft housing, and easily changed.
Auto Zone probably has them.
