How to Increase Car Alarm Remote Distance

Many cars manufactured in recent years come equipped with alarm systems controlled by wireless remotes. These remotes use radio frequency technology to send a signal from the remote to a receiver within the car. Occasionally, you may find it necessary to use the remote from a greater distance than you are accustomed to. There are a few things you can do to get the best range out of your remote.

  • Ensure your battery is fresh. Many remotes will work on a diminished battery, but accompanied with a diminished operating distance. Many remotes take watch-type batteries that can be purchased at a drugstore for less than $10.

  • Operate your remote only from within line of sight to your car. Other vehicles, buildings or trees can lower the operating distance of your remote.

  • Hold your remote to your chin while pressing a button. This sounds like folklore, but this is a proven technique to increase the operating distance of your car alarm remote.