Auto Insurance Claims: Cab/Bike/ My Car, cab company, police report

In my case, a bike hit a cab door and hit my car causing damage to the passenger door.(The door and window will not open.) I have one way ,liability insurance so my insurance company can not help. My question is: who is responsible for the cost of damagages? Do I go to the cab driver's insurance company, the girl on the bike? The police officer who made a report said, I was not at fault, what do I do next? Do I fix my car and send someone the bill??
Thanks for any help,

Hi Monic,

First, you need to go to a body shop to get an estimate of the cost of repairs. Then obtain a copy of the police report so you have the contact information of the other parties. The police report may indicate who was at fault. If the cab was at fault then contact the cab company for payment. If the girl was at fault and if she is a minor, then you would contact her parents. If she is an adult then contact the girl for payment. Which ever party is responsible, if they do not agree to pay then you will have to file suit.

I hope this helps
Richard Hixenbaugh