Auto Insurance Claims: at fault claim, fraud issue, doing the right thing

I hit a curb and caused damage to my car. I know my deductable is 500 and i believe the damage is 800. So i didnt go through the insurance because if i did i would have to pay 500 anyways when they would.only pay 300 then they would increa
se my nonthly rates for 30 dollars x 36 months which is more than 300. Also i added collision to my coverage prior the accident and i dont want the insurance to think it is dradelent or pre conditioned accident. I bought the car new and it never had an aCcident but i was afraid thwy would deny the clainm because all insurance companies thinks everyone is dishonest.


 I didn't catch the question.  Normally, your rates won't go up that much if any for a small accident like this, but it is smart to just handle it out of pocket.  Insurance is for large losses that you can't afford to pay out of pocket.  As for the fraud issue, I don't think you'd have much of a problem there, but yeah an accident within the first so many days of a policy is a red flag.  I think you are doing the right thing, just take care of your damages on your own.  If you have a lien on your vehicle, you should make sure and check your contract there, it may require you to repair the vehicle.